
For SPELLING and READING homework, see the literacy tab.

Poetry Assignment: Due Monday 28 May

Part A – Title Page
• Decide how you will present your assignment ie in a book, a folder or on separate pages which you will have bound at the end.
• Create a title page that includes your name and the title “My Poetry”
• It cannot be written or typed and printed off but instead created. Use your imagination and creativity. In the past I have seen the title written in the sand and a photo taken of it and the use of glue and hundreds and thousands in another assignment.
Part B - Poems
• Present one or two of each of these poems in your booklet.
• You need to have written each of the poems yourself following the correct criteria for each poem type.
• Each type will be on a new page and will have an alliteration as a heading e.g. Lovely limericks
Poetry types - remember to use your poetry forms booklet and the literacy tab to help with these poems.

____What if… poem
____Haiku poems (two)
____Cinquain poems (two)
____Acrostic poems (two)
____Sense poem
____Colour poem
____Poems with a twist (two)
____Diamante poems (two)
Part C – Poetry recital
Choose a poem which has a number of versus and would take at least 30 seconds, and no longer than 2 minutes, to recite. You are going to recite (say this poem off by heart) the poem to the class one morning during week six and seven. Please give a copy of the poem to me before you present it and I can be your prompt.

This can be your own poem but must be at least 30 seconds long to recite or you will do it again.

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Me, Myself and I Asssignment

Your first big homework task this year is to complete an assignment which is all about YOU! There are many different aspects to the assignment as listed below and it is very important that you start straight away and work on it everyday. Please ask if you need any help, I am more than happy to help you if you are unsure.

This assignment is due on FRIDAY 02 MARCH.

We will have some class time on this as well. The times are:
Week 2 – Tuesday 11:45 – 12:30 in class
Week 3 – Monday 1:30 ICT time, Wednesday 11:45 – 12:30 in class
Week 4 – Tuesday 1:30 ICT time, Thursday 11:00 – 12:30 in class

Important points to remember

• Always draft first, check for errors, edit, then publish. The three step method is a good idea….self, peer, teacher or parent. Published work will be on the computer during ICT time.

• Published work should not contain spelling mistakes!!

• You can complete the activities in any order. The headings will become chapter headings which you can arrange into an order which makes sense to you! You can include details that have not been included in the questions, as long as they fit with the chapter heading.

• Plan your layout…remember to leave room for photos etc.

• Publish on A4

• Remember to make the cover eye catching and bold…and don’t forget to include your name!

• Number each page and make a contents page to go at the start.

• Make a dedication and publishing page.
When your book is finished, as a class we will enjoy reading all about you. Together we will be looking at how well you achieved your purpose. In particular we shall be looking to see how well your book:

• Shows and tells us about you in an interesting way
• Has visual appeal
• Is free of spelling mistakes
• Would make a good keepsake

Design a front cover that includes a title that uses your name and a photo of yourself. The title should be in the form of an alliteration and uses a word to help describe you more. An alliteration is when the starting letters and sounds are the same e.g. Lovely Lisa, Super Sam.

1. What is in a name?
Find out: Who named you? For what reason was your name chosen? Were there any other names that you may have been called?

See if you can find a definition of your name. Do you think it suits your personality, give reasons
2. My Vital Statistics
Full name, nickname, age, D.O.B, height, weight, hair colour, skin tone, and any special features; e.g. freckles. Include a photo or life-like drawing.
3. Favourites
Sport, T.V programmes, movies, food, games, animals, hobbies, books, authors, role models etc.
Write down a favourite joke to share.
What is your favourite material possession? Why?
Where is your favourite place? Why?
4. Memories
Write a page about a memory from your life so far. It may have made you feel angry, sad, frightened, happy etc. Explain in detail that memory and your feelings. This will be a descriptive piece of writing which should be at least 3 paragraphs long
5. Past /Present – My Thoughts
Write about past achievements you are proud of.
What days are special to you and why?
What talents do you have?
What things worry you?
What do you dislike?
6. My Family Tree
Show your family tree at least as far back as your grandparents. If you can show it even further back that’s even better (we will be looking at your family tree in closer detail later in the term).
Introduce your family/whanau, including likes/dislikes, jobs, hobbies etc. Where do you fit in?
6a. My Ancestors
Find out where your ancestors came from and how they got to N.Z.
Include any interesting stories you can find out about them.

Show where they came from on a world map.
6b. Family Means...
Write a short essay about what the word family means to you. Include why your family is special. Include special things that you do together and any other family traditions.

7. Someone I admire
Create a profile on someone you know and admire. Include a photo and interesting information on that person as well as explaining why you chose them. Describe their characteristics and how they have influenced you. You must have at least 4 paragraphs and use great descriptive vocabulary.
8. My Future
Explain in great detail what you think you will be doing in 10 years time. Think about possible jobs, travel etc.

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